A Side Trip to Cuartel - The Ruins of Oslob

Friday, August 24, 2018
The Cuartel, Oslob, Cebu

A good friend of mine came to visit Cebu to take an examination. Since he was here for awhile, we still had time to go on a mini road trip down south. Cebu has a lot of places to offer, so it was hard to decide where we'd actually go. Finally, we all agreed to visit Oslob to try out whale shark watching, the main tourist attraction in the town. Afterwards, visit Sumilon Island, another site in the area frequented by tourists.

After a day of frolicking under the sun, we were on our way back. We had a bit of time to waste so we made a little side trip to the Cuartel, a lesser known attraction in Oslob. 

The Cuartel, Oslob, Cebu

When we arrived, we were alone. We honestly can't believe that this place was not flocked by tourists. I mean, it's so photogenic, but sadly it is overshadowed by other more famous destinations nearby. But hey, yey for us!

The Cuartel, Oslob, Cebu

The Cuartel, Oslob, Cebu

The word "Cuartel" is the spanish term for "barracks", which is what this structure was intended for. Oslob's Cuartel was built to serve as a barracks for the Spanish armies through the efforts of El Gran Maestro Don Marcos Sabandal to defend the town from Moro invaders. However, it never came into completion. Construction was halted after the arrival of the Americans in 1899. For those who did not know, the Philippines was under Spanish rule for 333 years before the Americans arrived.

The Cuartel, Oslob, Cebu

The Cuartel is made of coral stones which were remnants of the collapsed floor of the church bell tower of the Nuestra SeƱora de la Inmaculada Concepcion. This beautiful church is just a ball's throw away from the structure. 

The Cuartel, Oslob, Cebu

The Cuartel, Oslob, Cebu

The Oslob Museum,  located just behind the Cuartel, showcases antiques contributed by the people of Oslob. The museum itself is small but the items displayed inside are really interesting. If you ever get a chance to come here, do take a peak inside the museum. The entrance is free, however, photography is not allowed.

The Cuartel, Oslob, Cebu

The Cuartel is part of Oslob's Heritage Park, continue walking to appreciate the rest of the park and enjoy a lovely view of Oslob's treasured waters. 

How to Get There?

From Cebu City: 

Go to Cebu South Bus Terminal (N. Bacalso Avenue, near Elizabeth Mall). Ride a bus going to Bato via Sibonga. One way fare is P160 for an air-conditioned bus, prices vary between P100-200 depending  on the bus company. Non-airconditioned buses are also available at a cheaper price.

The travel time from Cebu City to Oslob is 3-4 hours, depending on speed and traffic. Tell the driver or conductor to drop you off at Oslob Public Market.

The Cuartel, as well as Oslob's heritage park, is just walking distance from the market. You may ask around, the locals will be more than helpful to guide you.


  1. Wow... This place looks beautiful and it seems like you had it all to yourselves since there are no other people in the pictures!! Lol. I think it's really cool that you were able to just head out on a mini roadtrip. The pictures look really cool by the way!

    -PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com

    P.S. I will be hosting a giftcard give away on my Instagram page soon! Let’s follow each other!

  2. I can't believe not many people know about this place. It's so beautiful and definitely worth the visit!!!


  3. What a beautiful place to visit, and how special you had it all to yourself to explore. i agree it looks like a must-see!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend :) We are getting some much-needed rain here which is fantastic. Does mean we aren't doing what we had planned though, haha!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  4. You're pictures are amazing! Such a beautiful place. I've been to Palawan, but never Cebu. I'll definitely check it out next time I'm in that region.

  5. Great post, and I loved the pictures!

  6. Great post! I regret I’ve never heard of Cuartel. It’s such an amzing place. Thanks for taking me on your journey with this post.

  7. seems nice. would love to vistit its some time

  8. I was in Oslob and I know I missed this. I immediately headed to see the Butanding. it was a great post and will definitely visit it when i come back. =)

  9. That place looks amazing, wow!

  10. Looks like such a beautiful place hun.


  11. What a beautiful place! I would have expected more tourists there too but at least you can explore it in peace. I visited Bangkok this summer and some places were so crowded I had to push myself to go, it's much better when it's not too crowded xx


  12. Wow I can't believe that there were no tourists.
    Miss Uncover | YouTube

  13. These pictures look so gorgeous! The place definitely is very picturesque and has such great views to capture! I am glad you could go out on a road trip!
    Wishing an amazing week ahead!
    Ankita | Real Girl Talks
    Follow Me On Instagram

  14. I'd love to go there, it's such a beautiful place! The photos are awesome, I love them all ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  15. I've never heard about this place but it looks really interesting :)

  16. Thank you for writing this post!
    I loved reading it and enjoyed your photos, also.
    Take care,
    Alex || www.itsnotcomplicatedrecipes.com

  17. Definitely a nice place to explore. great shots here!


  18. These ruins are amazing- what a cool experience!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  19. this is so awesome i wish my life was this eventful!


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